The Divine Triad- Modes of Accessing The Chakras
Working with the Divine Triad
(3 ways of accessing your chakras)
The Divine Triad consists of three entry points into the chakra system: Body, Mind, and Spirit. These points serve as a portal to understanding each chakra. Students can choose to focus on as many categories of the Divine Triad as you would like. It's recommended to pick at least one suggestion from each category for a well-rounded practice.
Each chakra, from the root to the 12th, has modules focusing on working with the body, mind, or spirit. Suggestions for each category may include activities like working with food, colors, aromatherapy, stones, exercises, affirmations, mantras, and meditations to open, balance, and harmonize the corresponding chakras.
The program emphasizes individual choice and commitment, encouraging students to select practices that resonate with them. Suggestions for weekly plans under each category include:
- Physical Body (Body): Utilize essential oils, movements, and incense on the appropriate chakra spots.
- Mental Body (Mind): Choose affirmations, practice pranayama techniques, and journal to track experiences.
- Spiritual Body (Spirit): Set up an altar, engage in daily meditation, and activate crystal grids with intentions.
Participants are encouraged to approach the course with an open mind, select practices that align with their preferences, and engage with the materials at their own pace. The goal is to put one's heart into the chosen practices for personal growth and development. The program offers flexibility to revisit and try new practices in subsequent runs for continued exploration and learning.
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